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20 hours ago
Investigate Europe has found that the European Medicines Agency is beset by several conflicts of interest concerns over professional and financial ties to industry. It is also facing growing criticism for fast-tracking drugs that could pose serious risks to patients.
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13 hours ago
The Ursula von der Leyen – António Costa – Kaja Kallas package that had been months in the making appeared to be already sealed before the informal dinner, prompting Denmark, Ireland and Germany to call for a “quick decision” during the next European Council, when candidates for EU top jobs will officially be announced.
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52 minutes ago
The idea that we are governed by unelected bureaucrats from Brussels is a persistent myth that the far-right exploits to deceive voters. It is EU member states that have the power in Europe — and increasingly so.
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European Council

European Council


Five things to know about the European elections in Germany

18 days ago
As the largest member state in the 27-nation bloc, the distribution of its 96 seats is important in shaping the future of EU decision-making. Here's what to expect from the European elections in Germany.
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Disinformation often worst three days ahead of EU elections, says official

11 days ago
EU officials are raising the alarm at the increasing sophistication of disinformation campaigns — as tens of millions of European citizens head to the voting booths over the next few days.
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Turnout: the highs, the lows, and the outliers

1 month ago
The June 2024 election will show whether 2019’s boost in turnout has halted a 30-year decline — or was just a temporary blip.
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