The report's authors do not rate the EU's chances in global politics if it does not act now to reform itself (Photo: ToastyKen)

EU risks 'marginalisation' in the next 20 years

by Honor Mahony, Brussels,

A new report has listed a bleak catalogue of the problems the EU is likely to face over the next 20 years, making it clear that solutions will require courageous leadership, the very quality widely perceived as lacking in the current EU political landscape.

The 46-page document, drawn up by a 12-person committee of "Wise Men" chaired by Spanish former prime minister Felipe Gonzalez and published on Saturday (9 May), looks at issues where member states have failed to make progress despi...

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The report's authors do not rate the EU's chances in global politics if it does not act now to reform itself (Photo: ToastyKen)

