Green UK MEP Magid Magid. 'Migration is not a threat to Europe, and 'external' cultures do not endanger European life' (Photo: Magid Magid)

Why I'm voting against the von der Leyen commission

President Ursula von der Leyen's preferred rhetoric during the reveal of her proposed Commission is a far cry from the alluring language she imploringly employed when pressing the European Parliament for its support just two months ago.

Rather than committing towards creating an inclusive, compassionate Europe centred around equality and humanity, von der Leyen has shown her shameful hand by establishing an office for "protecting our Eu...


The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Magid Magid is a British-Somali MEP from the Green party, representing Yorkshire and the Humber in the north of England.

Green UK MEP Magid Magid. 'Migration is not a threat to Europe, and 'external' cultures do not endanger European life' (Photo: Magid Magid)


Author Bio

Magid Magid is a British-Somali MEP from the Green party, representing Yorkshire and the Humber in the north of England.


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