Boris Johnson has always tried to keep Brexit conceptually simple - hence the slogans 'Take Back Control' and 'Get Brexit Done'

Boris' Brexit bluff? - UK will resist alignment to the end

Brexit is done. That's the view of the British government, which has, according to reports, attempted to ban ministers from even using the word in official pronouncements that discuss the UK's future relationship with the European Union.

For Boris Johnson, it seems that Brexit truly was an event and not a process.

This view has interesting implications for the conduct of free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations over the next year.

Johnson has always tried to keep Brexit con...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Nicholas Hallam is a pro-European cross-border VAT specialist, and chairman of Accordance.

Boris Johnson has always tried to keep Brexit conceptually simple - hence the slogans 'Take Back Control' and 'Get Brexit Done'


Author Bio

Nicholas Hallam is a pro-European cross-border VAT specialist, and chairman of Accordance.


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