A PVV-led government is expected to try to push a radically-conservative agenda — especially since its prospective coalition partners tend to have similar frugal and conservative inclinations (Photo: European Parliament)

Wilders faces tough road to power, despite election triumph

The resignation of Gom van Strien, the 'coalition scout' of the populist Dutch leader Geert Wilders on Monday (27 November), illustrates the challenges Wilders' PVV party faces in forming a government.

Van Strien was appointed last Friday to explore possible governing coalitions after the PVV's shock victory in the Dutch election, but he resigned after less than three days on the job due to allegations of fraud and embezzlement.

"This is a feature of Wilders and the people that he...

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A PVV-led government is expected to try to push a radically-conservative agenda — especially since its prospective coalition partners tend to have similar frugal and conservative inclinations (Photo: European Parliament)


Author Bio

Piet Ruig is a Brussels-based journalist who previously worked for the Dutch public broadcaster VPRO.


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