The Save Romania Union (USR) party of former Renew Europe leader Dacian Ciolos remains in opposition (Photo: European Parliament)

Surprise coalition in Romania without former Renew's Ciolos

A surprise new cabinet bringing together the former political foes of the National Liberal Party (PNL) and the Social Democrat Party (PSD) has been sworn in by the Romanian president, Klaus Iohannis.

The Save Romania Union (USR) party of former Renew Europe leader Dacian Ciolos remains in opposition.

The new cabinet received a comfortable 318 votes in Romania's parliament, more than the required minimum of 234 votes for a new government to be invested.

Both the USR and the...

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Author Bio

Cristian Gherasim is a freelance journalist contributing to EUobserver, Euronews, EU Reporter, Katoikos, Von Mises Institute, and bne IntelliNews, with a particular focus on European and regional affairs.

The Save Romania Union (USR) party of former Renew Europe leader Dacian Ciolos remains in opposition (Photo: European Parliament)


Author Bio

Cristian Gherasim is a freelance journalist contributing to EUobserver, Euronews, EU Reporter, Katoikos, Von Mises Institute, and bne IntelliNews, with a particular focus on European and regional affairs.


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