Viktor Orbán has gained control over public opinion through dominance of media, arts, and culture - and now he faces the voting public again on Sunday (Photo: Council of the European Union)

Orbán has hurt Hungarian culture, not just politics

Has Europe been asleep as Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán has systematically chipped away at democracy from within EU borders?

For years, we have observed Vladimir Putin's consolidation of power over Russia's once democratic institutions — from the courts to the media. His refashioning of independent news outlets and censorship of arts and culture, in particular, have allowed him to construct a propaganda machine that builds and reinforces his manufactured image.

To the W...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Elizabeth Grady is the civic practice manager at The Metropolitan Musem of Art in New York City. Johanna Bankston is a human rights researcher with Artistic Freedom Initiative, a legal advocacy non-profit that provides pro bono legal immigration and resettlement work for persecuted artists.

Viktor Orbán has gained control over public opinion through dominance of media, arts, and culture - and now he faces the voting public again on Sunday (Photo: Council of the European Union)


Author Bio

Elizabeth Grady is the civic practice manager at The Metropolitan Musem of Art in New York City. Johanna Bankston is a human rights researcher with Artistic Freedom Initiative, a legal advocacy non-profit that provides pro bono legal immigration and resettlement work for persecuted artists.


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