Jan 22, 2025
"It will take as long as necessary, but Marine Le Pen will answer the investigators' questions," judiciary sources said. (Photo: European Parliament)

Judges refuse to 'let go' of Le Pen's fake jobs case

by Philippe Cohen-Grillet and Eric Maurice, Paris, Brussels, May 29, 2017, 10:03:36 AM
1 co-observer

As MEPs start to examine a request to lift Marine Le Pen's parliamentary immunity on Monday (29 May), judges in Paris are trying to tighten the judiciary's noose around the French far-right leader.

"The judges will not be letting go of anything," a judiciary source told EUobserver. "It will take as long as necessary, but Marine Le Pen will answer the investigators' questions".

They requested Le Pen's immunity to be lifted after she refused twice, in February and March, to be heard...

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