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21 hours ago
Battlelines were drawn as EU competition commissioner Margarethe Vestager defended merger controls — and slammed the idea that looser rules would improve competitiveness, as suggested in former Italian prime minister Enrico Letta's report 24 hours ago.
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25 minutes ago
As different Spitzenkandidaten now compete for different kinds of things, the process is most likely to cause confusion among the voters. Worse, it may even be seen as another failed promise of EU democratisation.
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1 hour ago
Electorates of 987 million voters (India) and 400 million (Europe) both go to the polls in spring 2024 — what will the results mean for relations between New Delhi and Brussels?
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Two Russian bankers left in EU limbo, despite court victory

8 days ago
Two Russian bankers have come closer to wriggling off the EU blacklist due to flimsy evidence, auguring badly for similar court rulings expected before summer.
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Welcome to the new EUobserver

2 days ago
New website, same EUobserver. Come explore its updated look, features and possibilities for the future with us.
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EU eyes teen turnout as next generation votes

1 day ago
Lowering the voting age is a way of making mid-to-late teenagers feel listened to — but it is also a way of creating a habit, increasing the likelihood of them voting throughout their lives. And also possibly a youthful and idealistic ‘shield’ against more reactionary and right-wing middle-aged voters?
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