Prime minister Cameron and anti-EU Farage's political future also depend on the referendum's outcome (Photo: David Holt)

Brexit Briefing

The domestic stakes of the UK referendum

A week ago, as the polls nudged Brexit slightly into an apparently decisive lead, the Leave campaign dared to imagine the victory line on 23 June.

The murder of Labour MP Jo Cox has cast a pall over the campaign. Campaigning was suspended for two days and, since hostilities resumed, the tone has been marginally less vicious.

In the meantime, the polling numbers have narrowed to a virtual dead heat. This campaign is simply too c...

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Author Bio

Benjamin Fox is a seasoned reporter and editor, previously working for fellow Brussels publication Euractiv. His reporting has also been published in the Guardian, the East African, Euractiv, Private Eye and Africa Confidential, among others. He heads up the AU-EU section at EUobserver, based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Prime minister Cameron and anti-EU Farage's political future also depend on the referendum's outcome (Photo: David Holt)


Author Bio

Benjamin Fox is a seasoned reporter and editor, previously working for fellow Brussels publication Euractiv. His reporting has also been published in the Guardian, the East African, Euractiv, Private Eye and Africa Confidential, among others. He heads up the AU-EU section at EUobserver, based in Nairobi, Kenya.


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