Creativity and diversity prove that Europe is home to innovators – it just needs to give them the right atmosphere to grow and prosper. (Photo:

Innovative lessons across the Atlantic

Attending an international conference several years ago, I listened as two European government ministers detailed competing strategies for Europe’s economic success — globalism versus protectionism.

One spoke about adopting America’s focus on creativity and computer skills, and even mandating English and IT competency for high school graduation.

The other insisted the key to building home-grown tech businesses was to sue foreign companies that became too successful.\n \nToday, it...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Lisbeth founded EUobserver in 2000 and is responsible to the Board for effective strategic leadership, planning and performance. After graduating from the Danish School of Media and Journalism, she worked as a journalist, analyst, and editor for Danish media.

Creativity and diversity prove that Europe is home to innovators – it just needs to give them the right atmosphere to grow and prosper. (Photo:


Author Bio

Lisbeth founded EUobserver in 2000 and is responsible to the Board for effective strategic leadership, planning and performance. After graduating from the Danish School of Media and Journalism, she worked as a journalist, analyst, and editor for Danish media.


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