Commission president Ursula von der Leyen and EU negotiator Michel Barnier (r) at the parliament plenary (Photo: European Parliament)

Von der Leyen warns of tough Brexit talks in 2020

EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen on Wednesday (18 December) said it will be "extremely challenging" to negotiate a trade deal with the UK in 11 months next year.

The new commission chief warned the UK that if there is a real cliff-edge at the end of next year, it will hurt Britain more than the EU.

Britain is set to leave the bloc on 31 January. If the Westminster and the EU parliaments ratify the withdrawal agreement by then, a transition period will kick in- but it...

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Author Bio

Eszter Zalan is a Hungarian journalist who worked for Brussels-based news portal EUobserver specialising in European politics, focusing on populism and Brexit.

Commission president Ursula von der Leyen and EU negotiator Michel Barnier (r) at the parliament plenary (Photo: European Parliament)


Author Bio

Eszter Zalan is a Hungarian journalist who worked for Brussels-based news portal EUobserver specialising in European politics, focusing on populism and Brexit.


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