
Editor's weekly digest: Pan-European media, or lack thereof

The career path in journalism is kind of strange. If you're a good journalist, the only way 'upwards' is to be promoted to editor, and then publisher, with each step leaving you with less time to actually write things and do journalism.

Back in 2014, Gawker writer Hamilton Nolan — now a fantastic labour reporter — wrote what can be described as a screed on this:

"Here is the traditional career track for someone employed in journalism: first, you are a writer. If you hang on, and d...

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Author Bio

Alejandro Tauber is Publisher of EUobserver. He is Ecuadorian, German, and American, but lives in Amsterdam. His background is in tech and science reporting, and was previously editor at VICE's Motherboard and publisher of TNW.


Author Bio

Alejandro Tauber is Publisher of EUobserver. He is Ecuadorian, German, and American, but lives in Amsterdam. His background is in tech and science reporting, and was previously editor at VICE's Motherboard and publisher of TNW.


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