The TV debate gave the viewer the impression of an election between the same two political forces that have dominated French politics since at least 2017: Le Pen-ism and Macron-ism (Photo: Lorie Shaull)


French far-right Bardella vs PM Attal primetime debate: why?

At the risk of confusing or even misleading voters, French public television this week arranged a major TV debate between the far-right top EU candidate Jordan Bardella, and the French prime minister Gabriel Attal – who is not even a contender in June's elections.

The 8PM prime time slot of French public television France 2 saw far-right leader Bardella of Ma...

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The TV debate gave the viewer the impression of an election between the same two political forces that have dominated French politics since at least 2017: Le Pen-ism and Macron-ism (Photo: Lorie Shaull)


Author Bio

Emma Sofia Dedorson is a Paris-based journalist covering politics, culture and society in France, Spain and Italy.


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