Romania has one of the lowest vaccination-rates in the EU, pushing authorities to sell or donate millions of jabs - to avoid unused stocks hitting their expiration date (Photo:

Romania tries meal-vouchers and lottery in vaccination push

Romanian authorities are hoping meal vouchers worth 100 RON (€20) and the opportunity to enter a lottery with cash prizes for those vaccinated against Covid-19 will convince more people to get the jab.

The emergency ordinance approved by the gov...

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Author Bio

Cristian Gherasim is a freelance journalist contributing to EUobserver, Euronews, EU Reporter, Katoikos, Von Mises Institute, and bne IntelliNews, with a particular focus on European and regional affairs.


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Romania has one of the lowest vaccination-rates in the EU, pushing authorities to sell or donate millions of jabs - to avoid unused stocks hitting their expiration date (Photo:


Author Bio

Cristian Gherasim is a freelance journalist contributing to EUobserver, Euronews, EU Reporter, Katoikos, Von Mises Institute, and bne IntelliNews, with a particular focus on European and regional affairs.


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