Only one-in-15 MEPs is aged between 18 and 35, compared with one-in-five Europeans (Photo: European Parliament)


Coming-of-age — what do young want from the 2024 EP election?

Only one-in-15 MEPs is aged between 18 and 35, compared with one-in-five Europeans (Photo: European Parliament)

"I found none of the candidates convincing".

This is how Pablo, a 21-year-old Spaniard, explains why he did not vote in his country's national election on 23 July. He still lives with his parents, and his day-to-day life consists of going to university, studying and working at weekends to pay for his leisure time. He knows the electoral system, how to go to vote, where to go, and how every vote counts.

Still, despite predictions of a tight outcome in his country, he decided not ...

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Author Bio

Paula joined EUobserver in January 2023 and left for Euronews in 2024. Previously she worked for the Spanish online newspaper El Confidencial, where she covered mainly economic and financial affairs.
