The erection of border fences and walls continues, as EU states shore up external borders (Photo: Jannik, Unsplash)

NGOs: EU asylum overhaul will create 'cruel system'

Rights defenders are issuing dire warnings that the EU's overhaul of its asylum system risks curtailing international protection standards.

Just as co-legislators aim to hammer out an agreement behind closed doors, over 50 organisations on Monday (18 December) warned that a potential deal risks creating an "ill-functioning, costly, and cruel system."

Their warning is based on the latest negotia...

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Author Bio

Nikolaj joined EUobserver in 2012 and covers home affairs. He is originally from Denmark, but spent much of his life in France and in Belgium. He was awarded the King Baudouin Foundation grant for investigative journalism in 2010.


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The erection of border fences and walls continues, as EU states shore up external borders (Photo: Jannik, Unsplash)


Author Bio

Nikolaj joined EUobserver in 2012 and covers home affairs. He is originally from Denmark, but spent much of his life in France and in Belgium. He was awarded the King Baudouin Foundation grant for investigative journalism in 2010.


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