Some 934 people are feared dead or missing this year so far in their efforts to cross the Mediterranean sea (Photo: SOS Mediterranee)

UN offers to help EU's migrant 'disembarkation' plan

The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) is open to separating asylum seekers from economic migrants in proposals currently being bounced around among EU states and the European Commission.

In a confidential letter to the Bulgarian EU presidency, and seen by this website, UNHCR chief Filippo Grandi says the agency welcomes talks to tease out details on possible solutions ahead of the EU summit later this week.

"I would welcome an urgent opportunity to discuss with concerned gover...

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Author Bio

Nikolaj joined EUobserver in 2012 and covers home affairs. He is originally from Denmark, but spent much of his life in France and in Belgium. He was awarded the King Baudouin Foundation grant for investigative journalism in 2010.

Some 934 people are feared dead or missing this year so far in their efforts to cross the Mediterranean sea (Photo: SOS Mediterranee)


Author Bio

Nikolaj joined EUobserver in 2012 and covers home affairs. He is originally from Denmark, but spent much of his life in France and in Belgium. He was awarded the King Baudouin Foundation grant for investigative journalism in 2010.


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