Tirana. 'Becoming a member of the EU is not - and should not be - a quick or an easy process' (Photo: Marco Fieber)

Has Albania really met the 15 tests to join the EU? No

When the EU Foreign Affairs Council gathers on Monday (10 May) to discuss the Western Balkans they must seriously scrutinise the 15 conditions set for Albania to fulfil prior to proceeding with its EU accession process.

Downplaying, or even neglecting, those conditions would jeopardise the EU's credibility, as well as the democra...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

David Lega MEP is European People's Party shadow rapporteur on Albania, and member of the European Parliament's foreign affairs committee. He is a member of the Swedish Christian Democrats.

Tirana. 'Becoming a member of the EU is not - and should not be - a quick or an easy process' (Photo: Marco Fieber)


Author Bio

David Lega MEP is European People's Party shadow rapporteur on Albania, and member of the European Parliament's foreign affairs committee. He is a member of the Swedish Christian Democrats.


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