Jan 05, 2025
The International Criminal Court has a provision addressing environmental crimes in the statute under war crimes (Photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine)

How to prosecute Russia for environmental crimes in Ukraine

by Simon Holmström + 14 others, Brussels, July 20, 2022, 5:09:01 AM
1 co-observer

Ukraine reminds us that wars are amongst the worst things that can happen not just to mankind, but also to nature.

The brutality of the Russian Federation's military invasion of Ukraine has brought with it terrible humanitarian consequences and serious environmental harm. In a preliminary environmental impact monitoring, the United Nations Environment Programme has warned that Ukraine will be left with a

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Author Bio

Simon Holmström is an MP of the Åland parliament, Nordic Council delegate, member of the Ecocide Alliance.\nShirleen Chin is director of Green Transparency, senior legal advisor for the Institute for Environmental Security and member of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law.\nChristiana Mauro is senior advisor to the Biosphere Institute and member of Guta Environmental Law Association.\nDoug Weir is research and policy director at the Conflict and Environment Observatory.\nStephen Stec is senior fellow and lead researcher on environment and democracy at Central European University Democracy Institute.\nMikko Pyhälä is Finnish ambassador emeritus and chair of governing council of Pekka Kuusi Eco Foundation.\nYuliia Ovchynnykova is a Ukrainian MP and member of the committee on environmental policy and nature management.\nOlena Kravchenko is director of Environment People Law and member of the executive board of Guta Environmental Law Association.\nHanna Khomechko is development director of Environment People Law.\nWouter Veening is president of the Institute for Environmental Security.\nDmytro Skrylnikov is chairman of the Bureau of Environmental Investigations and vice chair of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee.\nIryna Zaverukha is adjunct lecturer at Gould School of Law at University of Southern California.\nMarie Toussaint is a French MEP and member of the committee of legal affairs, initiator and member of the Ecocide Alliance.\nRebecka Le Moine is a Swedish Green MP, biologist, and member of the Ecocide Alliance.\nFrederika Schweighoferova is director of the Rome Statute System Campaign, and Parliamentarians for Global Action.

The International Criminal Court has a provision addressing environmental crimes in the statute under war crimes (Photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine)


Author Bio

Simon Holmström is an MP of the Åland parliament, Nordic Council delegate, member of the Ecocide Alliance.\nShirleen Chin is director of Green Transparency, senior legal advisor for the Institute for Environmental Security and member of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law.\nChristiana Mauro is senior advisor to the Biosphere Institute and member of Guta Environmental Law Association.\nDoug Weir is research and policy director at the Conflict and Environment Observatory.\nStephen Stec is senior fellow and lead researcher on environment and democracy at Central European University Democracy Institute.\nMikko Pyhälä is Finnish ambassador emeritus and chair of governing council of Pekka Kuusi Eco Foundation.\nYuliia Ovchynnykova is a Ukrainian MP and member of the committee on environmental policy and nature management.\nOlena Kravchenko is director of Environment People Law and member of the executive board of Guta Environmental Law Association.\nHanna Khomechko is development director of Environment People Law.\nWouter Veening is president of the Institute for Environmental Security.\nDmytro Skrylnikov is chairman of the Bureau of Environmental Investigations and vice chair of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee.\nIryna Zaverukha is adjunct lecturer at Gould School of Law at University of Southern California.\nMarie Toussaint is a French MEP and member of the committee of legal affairs, initiator and member of the Ecocide Alliance.\nRebecka Le Moine is a Swedish Green MP, biologist, and member of the Ecocide Alliance.\nFrederika Schweighoferova is director of the Rome Statute System Campaign, and Parliamentarians for Global Action.


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