Yevhen Petrovych Perebyinis, the Ukrainian deputy foreign minister, greeted EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen (Photo: EU Commission)

Von der Leyen visits Kyiv, pledges €35bn loan

European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen visited Kyiv on Friday (20 September) to announce a €35bn EU loan for Ukraine. This is part of a broader G7 initiative to raise $50bn [€45bn], leveraging future profits from frozen Russian state assets.

"Relentless Russian attacks means Ukraine needs continued EU support," said von der Leyen on social media. ...

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Author Bio

Wester is a journalist from the Netherlands with a focus on the green economy. He joined EUobserver in September 2021. Previously he was editor-in-chief of Vice, Motherboard, a science-based website, and climate economy journalist for The Correspondent.

Yevhen Petrovych Perebyinis, the Ukrainian deputy foreign minister, greeted EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen (Photo: EU Commission)


Author Bio

Wester is a journalist from the Netherlands with a focus on the green economy. He joined EUobserver in September 2021. Previously he was editor-in-chief of Vice, Motherboard, a science-based website, and climate economy journalist for The Correspondent.


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