The Rafah border, seen from the Egyptian side. It is one of two main crossings points for inhabitants of Gaza, located along the 12km-long border that divides the Gaza Strip from Egypt (Photo: Free Gaza movement)


Trapped: the Palestinians trying to get back into Gaza

The Rafah border, seen from the Egyptian side. It is one of two main crossings points for inhabitants of Gaza, located along the 12km-long border that divides the Gaza Strip from Egypt (Photo: Free Gaza movement)

As war rages in and above Gaza, Aylol Abu Elwan continues to be trapped in the Egyptian city of El-Arish, as he waits to be finally able to cross the Rafah crossing into the Gaza Strip — and be reunited with his family.

He is one of the thousands of Gazans for whom the war erupted while they were outside the Israeli-occupied territory, and whose situation now gets more hopeless by the day.

Aylol had just crossed into Egypt the day before Hamas breached the barrier and attacked I...

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Author Bio

Bianca Carrera is a freelance writer and analyst specialising in the Middle Eastern and North Africa, environmental matters, and migration at Sciences Po Paris. She has written for The New Arab, Al Jazeera, Oxfam Intermón,, and others.
