In order for a Covid-19 vaccine to be effective, everyone, everywhere has to have access to it (Photo:

A Covid-19 vaccine? Why licensing is so important

Recent headlines that Oxford University's Covid-19 vaccine might be ready as soon as September was followed less than 48 hours later by news that Oxford had signed an exclusive worldwide licensing deal with Astra Zeneca.

But the announcement of the deal mentioned nothing about plans for pricing or access of the new vaccine.

Once again, a large ...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Roxana Bonnell is a senior advisor at Open Society's Public Health Program, and was involved in creating OSF's Access to Medicines Initiative over 15 years ago.


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In order for a Covid-19 vaccine to be effective, everyone, everywhere has to have access to it (Photo:


Author Bio

Roxana Bonnell is a senior advisor at Open Society's Public Health Program, and was involved in creating OSF's Access to Medicines Initiative over 15 years ago.


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