Working for an occupying power, whether directly or indirectly, is not just morally wrong; it contributes to a less stable world. It is also something that should come with political consequences. This is also the case when it takes the form of helping an occupying power’s businesses trying to gain favourable market access for the resources they extract and exploit from occupied lands.
As Nordic MEPs, we are well acquainted with the Danish Public Affairs company Rud Pedersen (RP).
Perhaps naively, we had hoped this would been having certain standards, and avoiding a scenario as above. It seems we were mistaken.
We were honestly both surprised and disgusted, when NGOs alerted us to the fact that Morocco had hired RP to help it with its lobbying efforts over the controversial trade and fisheries agreements with the EU.
It is a case that has been covered by the outlet Africa Intelligence, who back in December laid out how the Confédération Générale de Enterprises du Maroc (CGEM) has engaged RP to lobby for it in Brussels, as well as the many connections between the CGEM and the Moroccan government.
Connections that include how RP, via its London office, hired the daughter of Morocco’s foreign minister to work for it.
That the contracting happens through an organisation like CGEM does not absolve the lobbyist of the responsibility of what the ultimate goal is. Especially not when RP itself declares that they are hired to lobby on “trade & agriculture”.
Issues that will undoubtedly touch upon — or maybe rather try to circumvent — the fact that Morocco constantly tries to have various agreements with the EU include resources from illegally-occupied Western Sahara.
This even though neither the EU nor the UN recognises this as legal.
This must also be seen in connection with the historical decision from the European Court of Justice on 4 October 2024, upholding the 2021 decision overturning both the controversial fisheries agreement and the 2019 EU-Morocco trade agreements.
This came because Morocco insists on selling the rights of the fish of Western Sahara to European business interests, without proper benefit or consideration for the Saharawi population.
It should not have to be repeated, but goods from illegally occupied lands cannot, and should not, benefit from a trade agreement with the EU. It is hard to see the work of RP not ending up either trying to circumvent the EU case — or to make yet another agreement, which in the end will also be contradictory to EU law.
What is important is to remember that Morocco’s long occupation, repression and exploitation of Western Sahara is flat out illegal, something which is also underlined by then UN still listing it as a non-self governing territory.
This is the kind of behaviour and exploitation we, as Left politicians, will always be opposed to.
Which is why our message to Rud Pedersen must be so clear: what you are doing, indirectly representing an occupying power via its business interests, is immoral and run counter to the Nordic reputation and standards — and we neither can nor will support it.
Therefore, we inform you, that as long as you continue to choose to lobby for the interests of an occupying power like Morocco, whether directly or indirectly, we will refuse to meet with you. Not only on issues relating to Morocco or Western Sahara, but on everything.
We will also actively begin encouraging our colleagues, from across the European Parliament, to adopt a similar approach. Occupation and its apologists should not be welcome.
While we know that a business is, of course, free to choose its customers, we as politicians are also free to choose what consequences such choices will have, and with whom we will meet. This is a right we will definitely exercise when it comes to your lobbying for a thoroughly unjust cause.
We urge you to sever your links, directly as well as indirectly, with the illegal and immoral occupation of Western Sahara and its people. Until you do so, you will remain on our blacklist of those we do not meet.
Per Clausen (Denmark), Hanna Gedin (Sweden), Jonas Sjöstedt (Sweden) and Jussi Saramo (Finland) are Left MEPs.
Per Clausen (Denmark), Hanna Gedin (Sweden), Jonas Sjöstedt (Sweden) and Jussi Saramo (Finland) are Left MEPs.