'We are preparing for the next pandemic' warned the European Health Emergency Response Authority boss Laurent Muschel — but with an estimated 10 million Mpox vaccines doses required in Africa in 2025, only a few hundred thousand have so far started arriving (Photo: Pexels – Martin Lopez)

Mpox 'still not controlled', as delayed European vaccines start arriving

The Covid pandemic did major damage to relations between the EU and African states after the EU was accused of hoarding vaccines and personal protective equipment at the height of the pandemic, prompting toxic accusations of ‘vaccine apartheid’ by South Africa’s president Cyril Ramaphosa. 

“We faced Covid. We didn't have vaccines...

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Author Bio

Benjamin Fox is a seasoned reporter and editor, previously working for fellow Brussels publication Euractiv. His reporting has also been published in the Guardian, the East African, Euractiv, Private Eye and Africa Confidential, among others. He heads up the AU-EU section at EUobserver, based in Nairobi, Kenya.

'We are preparing for the next pandemic' warned the European Health Emergency Response Authority boss Laurent Muschel — but with an estimated 10 million Mpox vaccines doses required in Africa in 2025, only a few hundred thousand have so far started arriving (Photo: Pexels – Martin Lopez)


Author Bio

Benjamin Fox is a seasoned reporter and editor, previously working for fellow Brussels publication Euractiv. His reporting has also been published in the Guardian, the East African, Euractiv, Private Eye and Africa Confidential, among others. He heads up the AU-EU section at EUobserver, based in Nairobi, Kenya.


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