In 1979, there were only 31 female MEPs. Today, 40 percent of MEPs are women (Photo: European Union 2023 - Source: EP)


It's 2023 and still no parental leave for MEPs

In 1979, there were only 31 female MEPs. Today, 40 percent of MEPs are women (Photo: European Union 2023 - Source: EP)

In 2010, Italian MEP Licia Ronzulli carried her seven-week-old baby to the plenary session. At the time, the European Parliament was voting on proposals to improve women's employment rights. It made headlines in Europe and beyond.

At the time, Ronzulli said the act was not political", but maternal.

June 2015. Another Italian MEP, Daniela Aiuto, also carried her baby to votes and debates in...

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Author Bio

Paula joined EUobserver in January 2023 and left for Euronews in 2024. Previously she worked for the Spanish online newspaper El Confidencial, where she covered mainly economic and financial affairs.
