In 2018, Donetsk saw a 76 percent increase in reported domestic violence cases, while the increase in Luhansk over a three-year period was 158 percent (Photo: Chris McGrath)

Why Ukraine needs to enforce Istanbul Convention — now

Late last month, Ukraine was granted European Union Candidate status, the first official step toward EU membership. But the European Commission president noted that formal negotiations for full membership could not begin until Ukraine carried out key reforms, including the ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, also known as the

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Heidi Lehmann is a gender-based violence prevention expert at HIAS, an international Jewish humanitarian organisation that provides humanitarian assistance to refugees. Olga Morkova is the advocacy manager for the Ukraine crisis at HIAS.

In 2018, Donetsk saw a 76 percent increase in reported domestic violence cases, while the increase in Luhansk over a three-year period was 158 percent (Photo: Chris McGrath)


Author Bio

Heidi Lehmann is a gender-based violence prevention expert at HIAS, an international Jewish humanitarian organisation that provides humanitarian assistance to refugees. Olga Morkova is the advocacy manager for the Ukraine crisis at HIAS.


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