Covid-19 magnifies the fact that anxiety, depression, and distress all stem from a variety of factors, including broader socio-economic issues and challenging life events such as social isolation or loss of family members (Photo: Alex Proimos)

Shock of Covid-19 is catalyst to invest in mental health

World Mental Health Day is on Saturday (10 October), but we must remember that this isn't a one-day event - it is time to make mental health a fundamental pillar in the Covid-19 response.

Now is the moment to instigate long-awaited mental health care reforms. This is a timely opportunity for the EU to turn profound and long-term impacts of the pandemic on mental health into a catalyst for change.

By integrating mental health into the recovery plan and the long-term funding and p...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Alviina Alametsä is a Finnish MEP for the Greens/EFA, Sara Cerdas is a Portuguese MEP for the Socialists & Democrats, Maria Walsh is an Irish MEP for the EPP. All three are members of the Coalition for Mental Health and Wellbeing in the European Parliament.

Covid-19 magnifies the fact that anxiety, depression, and distress all stem from a variety of factors, including broader socio-economic issues and challenging life events such as social isolation or loss of family members (Photo: Alex Proimos)


Author Bio

Alviina Alametsä is a Finnish MEP for the Greens/EFA, Sara Cerdas is a Portuguese MEP for the Socialists & Democrats, Maria Walsh is an Irish MEP for the EPP. All three are members of the Coalition for Mental Health and Wellbeing in the European Parliament.


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