Robert Schuman arrives to preside over the first meeting of the European Parliamentary Assembly in Strasbourg, on 19 March 1958 (Photo: Wikimedia)

Remembering Robert Schuman (1886-1963)

Robert Schuman who died on Monday (4 September) 60 years ago, was the rarest of creatures. A subtle subversive. An individual who changed the course of history without much personal power. A revolutionary without weapons — indeed, Schuman's revolution silenced the weapons of Europe's fraternal wars for good.

So subtle in fact was Schuman's revolution, that it first went unnoticed.

When he made the statement that launched ...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Guy Verhofstadt is a former prime minister of Belgium, former European Parliament Brexit coordinator and former head of Renew Europe, where he is now an MEP. Sandro Gozi is an Italian Renew Europe MEP.

Robert Schuman arrives to preside over the first meeting of the European Parliamentary Assembly in Strasbourg, on 19 March 1958 (Photo: Wikimedia)


Author Bio

Guy Verhofstadt is a former prime minister of Belgium, former European Parliament Brexit coordinator and former head of Renew Europe, where he is now an MEP. Sandro Gozi is an Italian Renew Europe MEP.


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