Measures such as Iran's new Hijab and Chastity Bill not only negate women's civil and political rights but intend to hush Iranian society by introducing draconian fines (Photo: Hasan Almasi)

How EU must follow through on Iran womens' Sakharov prize

By honouring Jina Mahsa Amini, the Kurdish woman whose death in police custody in September 2022 sparked a nationwide revolt in the name of equality, dignity, and freedom in Iran, the European Parliament pays tribute to all those who have withstood the Iranian regime's brutal repression.

The world would not even know of Jina, had it not been for her killing at the hands of a misogyn...


The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Cornelia Ernst is a Left MEP and chair of the European Parliament's Delegation for Relations with Iran, as well as the committee for civil liberties. Cornelius Adebahr and Barbara Mittelhammer are Iran scholars at Carnegie Europe.

Measures such as Iran's new Hijab and Chastity Bill not only negate women's civil and political rights but intend to hush Iranian society by introducing draconian fines (Photo: Hasan Almasi)


Author Bio

Cornelia Ernst is a Left MEP and chair of the European Parliament's Delegation for Relations with Iran, as well as the committee for civil liberties. Cornelius Adebahr and Barbara Mittelhammer are Iran scholars at Carnegie Europe.


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