Prisoners from the Herero and Nama tribes during the 1904-1908 war against Germany (Photo: Wikimedia)

German rebuff of Gaza 'genocide' case also has roots in Namibia

by Farid Hafez, Williamstown, Massachusetts,

The world has now witnessed more than 100 days of war in Gaza following the attacks on 7 October. While 132 hostages remain in the hands of the Palestinian militants, Gaza counts nearly two million displaced, thousands of destroyed homes, and nearly 24,000 dead at the hands of the Israeli army.

But for Germany's political leadership, it is the plight...

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Author Bio

Farid Hafez is distinguished visiting professor of international studies at Williams College, Massachusetts, and senior researcher at Georgetown University's The Bridge Initiative.

Prisoners from the Herero and Nama tribes during the 1904-1908 war against Germany (Photo: Wikimedia)


Author Bio

Farid Hafez is distinguished visiting professor of international studies at Williams College, Massachusetts, and senior researcher at Georgetown University's The Bridge Initiative.


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