Campaigners for the victims of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh, which killed 1,134 people in 2013 - the deadliest garment-factory disaster in history (Photo: Trades Union Congress)

Germany throws a spanner in works of the EU supply chain law

For over three years, European institutions have worked hard to develop and negotiate a groundbreaking EU supply chain law, with the aim of preventing and addressing human rights and environmental harm throughout companies' supply chains.

In mid-December, many celebrated the hard-reached agreement...

Campaigners for the victims of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh, which killed 1,134 people in 2013 - the deadliest garment-factory disaster in history (Photo: Trades Union Congress)


Author Bio

Juliane Kippenberg is associate children's rights director and an expert on supply chains at Human Rights Watch.


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